6455 Fallsview Boulevard • Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada L2G 3V9 • 905-357-5200 • Toll. Free: 1-888-238-9190
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Local Time: 6:36 PM
Looking for transportation to select restaurants in the Fallsview District? Ask your front desk agent about available times and locations.
WEGO delivers a seamless, fully accessible connection between tourist attractions within the City and Niagara Parks helping you to experience all that this world-class destination has to offer. With the latest infotainment, scheduling, comfort and safety systems, WEGO ensures customers receive an enjoyable transportation experience while visiting our beautiful parks and city.
Green line: Niagara Parks (along the Niagara Parkway)
Blue line: Fallsview Tourist District, Victoria Centre and Clifton Hill
Red line: Lundy's Lane
Purple line: Downtown Queen Street
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Bus Locator
Arrival Times
Prices for the WEGO shuttle service can be found at the information Desk on the Lobby level.